Why is it that all Aliens/Gods in Thor are white Caucasian hunks who speak English with American accents and always make their landings on earth somewhere in the US? Even if I understand these given that it is an American movie based on an American comic-strip, there’s something more profound that I failed to appreciate. Why is it that, despite being so advanced vis-à-vis the human race in terms of knowledge and ability, the Asgard-s still rely on horses for day-to-day conveyance, and haven’t managed to get monarchy and dictatorship abolished? To cut a long story short, I found the movie as brainless as the characters that populate it. Thor, an arrogant hammer-wielding alien/god, and heir to the Asgard throne, is abolished to the earth by his ageing father, where he befriends a pretty astrophysicist (who, as Rogert Ebert has pointed out, is more of a storm-chaser & UFO-hunter), while also fights his father’s enemy (why wasn’t I surprised that Thor’s younger brother turns out to be the villain?). The film is filled with clichéd dialogues, juvenile sense of humour, predictable plot, and utterly unimaginative action sequences that are not worth watching – leave alone in 3D. It was also really perplexing to see such accomplished actors like Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman and Stellan Skarsgard agreeing to play such wafer-thin, one-dimensional characters… perhaps the pay packets were really good.

Director: Kenneth Branagh
Genre: Action/Fantasy/Adventure
Language: English
Country: US
Stupidity fills the theaters and huge fan followers are created in action movie (read violence prone). And good review what they call sidhi baat no bakwaas !
Long time no see! Thanks Yayaver. Can't help it really, people (the general public) have a fascination for stupidity.
Tom Hiddleston was the better actor Love this movie...excited for part 2 to come out http://www.my-best-entertainment.blogspot.com/
["Why is it that all Aliens/Gods in Thor are white Caucasian hunks who speak English with American accents and always make their landings on earth somewhere in the US?"]
American accents? Dude, you need to clean your ears. I don't recall Chris Hemsworth's accent being American. And he's from AUSTRALIA. Come to think of it, I don't recall any of Thor's friends having American accents, either . . . even if the actress who portrayed Sif came from the U.S.
In that case, replace "American" with "Australian", and you'll get my point.
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