Capote was the movie that motivated me to read In Cold Blood, the iconic novel by Truman Capote, and now that I’ve read the celebrated ‘non-fiction novel’, I felt the urge to check out how the movie now stood up in my that-much-more-informed eyes; suffice it to say, it didn’t just stand, it soared. Based on the author’s experience of writing the book (believe it or not, it took him seven years to do so!), the movie gives us as much a peek into the creation of one of the great masterpieces of 20th century literature, as it gives into the incredibly complex persona of the author – a cynical, pompous braggart, but ultimately a brilliant writer. And in Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s astonishing and devastating performance, Capote’s public veneer as well his personal self have been captured in all the nuances, shades and layers. Hoffman’s performance is so breathtaking, that it is easy not to notice that the acting of his co-stars, too, are very good. The exceptional script and perfect narrative pacing managed to make this one of the most compelling character studies and biopics in recent memory. The film is incessantly dark and disturbing, in keeping with the sensational if bleak subject matter, and the kind of moral dilemma presented by the proceedings is kept in a leash tight enough to make one ponder without spoiling the film’s ability to keep one engaged right till the last frame. And yes, the photography is brilliant too, and completes the moody tone and atmosphere of the film exceptionally well.

Director: Bennett Miller
Genre: Drama/Psychological Drama/Biopic
Language: English
Country: US
Agree this is a wonderful bleak film. Hoffman's give a fine performance, then again when doesn't he? Such a brilliant actor. Capote was an odd character but a fantastic writer. Catherine Keener as Harper Lee is also fantastic. Have you seen the original movie directed by Richard Brooks, if not you should when you get the chance.
Yeah, Hoffman might easily be one of the finest actors, not just of his generation, but even of all time. Can't think of anyone else playing the arduous role of Capote. I'll certainly check out the Richard Brooks movie you've mentioned. Thanks for stopping by.
"the movie gives us as much a peek into the creation of one of the great masterpieces of 20th century literature, as it gives into the incredibly complex persona of the author – a cynical, pompous braggart, but ultimately a brilliant writer. And in Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s astonishing and devastating performance, Capote’s public veneer as well his personal self have been captured in all the nuances, shades and layers..."
Aye Shubhajit, this is one of the best contemporary biographical films, and the relationship that Capote has with the killers is endlessly gripping and fascinating. The clip of your exceedingly passionate capsule I used above is one I completely agree with lock, stock and barrel, and yes, not only Hoffman shines in the film. I still need to read your review of the novel!
I second what John says about the Brooks movie!!! That is an absolute must!
Thanks a lot Sam for the appreciation. Biopics usually tend to be oh so predictable & formulaic. And so Capote acts as such a fresh, if brooding, air in this genre. With Hoffman giving a performance like that, nothing really could go wrong, but nearly everything about the movie work in perfect sync - both in themselves & with others.
And with such heavyweight cinephiles like John & you strongly recommending the Brooks film, I'll surely check it out as soon as I can.
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